FREEPHONE: 0800 612 6628 (9-5PM)
The Participant Software Solution was created to make it possible for the organisers to focus on the important thing - the event itself. The solution is web-based - all you need is Internet access and a FAN. Organisers, once registered, have access to registration of events followed by management of events, including in-system communication with payers and Participants, as well as reporting, searches in Participant lists and balancing of events.

Organisers can log in using FAN Number and password in the login area on the left hand side.

How to register an Organiser

1. Click the left hand side link named Register new organiser.

2. Log in with your FAN.

If you don't have a FAN, click the appropriate link below the login fields and a pop-up from the FA will appear where you can register for a FAN. After registering an e-mail will be sent to you from the FA stating your FAN. Close the pop-up, check your mailbox and log in.

If you have a FAN, but cannot remember your password or your FAN, click the Forgot password-link below the login fields and a pop-up from the FA will appear. Type in the information required and a new password/the FAN will be sent to your e-mail. Log in.

3. Register Organiser details.

Once logged in you will be presented with a registration page. Fill in the information required (marked *). Please make sure the account number and sort code given is correct. Click Register to finalise step 3 of the registration process.

4. Confirm your sort code and account number

After registering your Organiser details you will receive an e-mail with a link to confirm your account number and sort code. Click on the link. A new window will open, asking you to confirm your sort code and account number.

It is important that you make sure both of these are absolutely correct, as this is the account your funds will be transferred to after a paid event. Cotech holds no responsibility of the consequences should the sort code and/or account number given have been entered incorrectly.

5. County FA approval

When your sort code and account number are correctly confirmed, your Organiser needs to be approved. The process should take approximately 24 hours. As soon as your Organiser is approved you will receive an e-mail confirmation.

You can now start registering and publishing your events. Congratulations!


If you are in need of support, please contact Cotech

E-mail: support@participant.co.uk
Free-phone number: 0800 612 6628

Monday to Friday 0900 - 1700.