Worcestershire FA County Camp!

Worcestershire FA's Youth Council are hosting their 2016 County Camp on Saturday 9th July at Pershore High School! If you are aged 12-24 and would like to be part of this exciting County event you can register below.

Do not miss out on this event covering a variety of topics including:

The £5 entry fee gets you a full day of activities focused on football, a free t-shirt plus a resource pack to take away with you!

There will be many opportunities to be actively involved throughout the day and your skills will be enhanced through sessions delivered by our qualified tutors and Youth Council members! 

If you love football, or just want to learn more and have a kickabout with your mates, you will love this day! Sign up now and get involved on Twitter using the OFFICIAL hashtag:


Please note to access this online application, you will need a FAN (FA Number).

If have ever been involved in football or taken an FA Qualification, it is highly likely you already have a FAN. If you do not know your FAN or password, or need to create a FAN, please use our FAN FINDER tool by clicking to register/retrieve your details.

Please be aware that if you already have a FAN, and create another FAN, this could cause delays in being confirmed on the course and any qualifications being awarded.

If the FAN Finder says you haven't got a FAN, and you think you have, then please click here for a full guide on how to locate it.

Please enter your unique FAN and password below:
FA Number
Don't have a FAN number?
Forgot password