FA Coaching Deaf Footballers

The FA Coaching Deaf Footballers workshop (CDeF) course is designed to provide football coaches and teacher's ideas and practices for the inclusion of deaf players in football sessions within mainstream or impairment specific sessions.
Our experienced team of FA qualified tutors provide a quality service designed to support candidates through the course ensuring that individual needs are catered for.
Course Information:
Minimum Age: 16
Course Duration: Maximum 6 hours
Course Prerequisites:
1st4sport / FA Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Football
Course aims and objectives:
This course will provide an introduction to the organisation and delivery of safe and enjoyable coaching sessions for deaf players. It is ideally suited to those working with groups of young players and/or teams.
Course Content:
- apply and extend their existing coaching skills and experience to meet the needs of players;
- feel confident in coaching deaf footballers;
- have improved their awareness of deafness and provide better understanding of the needs of deaf footballers;
- use basic communication skills for coaching deaf footballers;
- use basic British Sign Language signs appropriate to coaching football sessions;
- identify appropriate safety and medical considerations;
- plan a range of coaching sessions that include deaf footballers;
- understand how to include deaf footballers in a match situation;
- understand the player pathways available for deaf footballers including the appropriate structures for competition.
Practical Involvement: Candidates will be encouraged to participate practically to maximise their opportunities for learning. (This however will not prevent successful completion of the award)
A non-examinable assessment is via successful completion of:
1. Full attendance on course
2. Practical delivery of a 15-minute practical coaching activity based on a specific skill and age group, which demonstrates safe practice, organisation, enjoyment and progression to meet the needs of the players.
Refresher: Every three years as specified in the FAL CPD and Refresher Policy.
Next Available Course Date:
Sunday 18th February 2018 - 9am-5pm