FALCC CPD Level 3 Event (3 hours)

Level 3 Coaching CPD - Developing an individual within a unit
Kevin Green, FA Regional Coach Mentor, will deliver a 3 hour Level 3 (UEFA B) CPD workshop focusing on ‘Developing an individual within a unit’. The workshop is designed with both practical and theory components and the learning outcome for coaches is to be able to recognise the core responsibilities of individuals in and out of possession and design appropriate practices to develop individual growth within a unit & team. The primary focus is the 11v11 game however key messages are transferable for UEFA B Licenced coaches.
Date: Monday 4th November 2019
Time: Arrivals at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start, concluding at 9:30pm
Venue: CONEL, Hertford Road, EN3 5HA (entrance via The Ride through Kingfisher Hall Primary Academy)
Cost: £5
Tutor: Kevin Green (Regional FA Coach Mentor)
This event will count towards 3 hours of Licensed Coaches Club CPD for Level 3 coaches. Coaches of other Level's will not be permitted to book onto this event.
This event is aimed at Level Three/UEFA B coaches that are coaching within Middlesex.
Middlesex FA Terms & Conditions, 'Our Commitment to You' & Customer Service Charter policy
Click Here to view the Terms & Conditions and Our Commitment to You policy of Middlesex FA. These documents can be downloaded from the bottom of the link provided.
If you suffer from a condition that you believe may affect your involvement on a course on either the practical or theoretical elements, please notify us immediately of any support you may require and we will make every effort to ensure that you are supported throughout the course of delivery and given every opportunity to successfully attain the relevant course award.
Please note - All Courses will be conducted in English and therefore candidates are required to be able to communicate effectively in English (this includes listening, speaking, reading and writing).
Candidates registering for this course who do not meet the English understanding criteria or have not declared a physical disability for which support may be required may be asked to leave the course without refund. In accepting the terms & conditions of the course you are confirming that you have understood the above.