Course: FA Level 2 in Coaching Goalkeepers
Course Information:
Minimum Age: 16 Years
Course Duration: 6 face-to-face Workshops (21 hours)
Course Prerequisites: Prior to certification, learners are required to:
• Be at least 16 years of age
• Hold FA Level 1 in Coaching Goalkeepers
• Hold FA Level 1 in Coaching Football
• Hold FA Level 2 in Coaching Football
• Hold as a minimum a current FA Emergency Aid/IFAiF
• Have attended The FA Safeguarding Children Workshop within the last three years
Who is it for: This course is great for those looking to gain further knowledge, understanding and skills relating to designing linked and progressive sessions for goalkeepers, building upon their learning and experiences as a qualified level 2 football coach.
Course Content:
The FA Level 2 in Coaching Goalkeepers provides learners with further in depth content, building on the introduction gained through the Level 1 Coaching Goalkeeping and outfield coaching qualifications at both level 1 and 2.
Learners will gain further insight into the game in England, how it is played and how they can coach to better support the development of future goalkeepers in grassroots. The course is designed to prepare learners to coach goalkeepers at the grassroots level. Learners will also better understand the value of duo coaching, introducing them to linking goalkeepers to units within the team.
Through the completion of the learning programme for this course, learners will be introduced to the practical and theoretical aspects of planning, delivering and reviewing individual football coaching sessions for goalkeepers. The foundation level of knowledge and skills developed through this course will enable learners to create safe, fun and engaging coaching sessions through building, developing and extending a series of linked practices.
• The FA 4 Corner Player Development Model which will help them gain a better understanding of the long-term development of their goalkeepers as a whole person
• The FA Plan, Do, Review Model, helping them construct appropriate practices and sessions for their goalkeepers
• A series of practical coaching ideas, giving them the ability to recognise the various ingredients that make up safe, fun and engaging practices to help their goalkeepers develop
• Practical coaching opportunities both on the course and where possible with their own goalkeepers
Learners will be observed coaching on course and asked to complete a series of tasks related to their own context, building a project and portfolio of evidence around their own environment and coaching practice.
FA Education ensures that it treats people fairly and with respect. It provides access and opportunities for all members of the community to take part in, and enjoy, its activities in an atmosphere free from harassment, bullying, discrimination or abuse. FA Education will seek to provide a service that is appropriate to the needs of an individual and to make reasonable adjustments or provide support, where appropriate, to cater for those needs.
Saturday 8th June - 9.00- 5.00pm
Saturday 15th June - 9.00 - 5.00pm
Sunday 23rd June - 9.00 - 5.00pm