FA Level 2 Emergency First Aid in Football

The overall aim of The FA Level 2 Emergency First Aid in Football (EFAiF) is to raise the standard of first aid provision within football.

It goes beyond generic first aid and includes elements specific to football.


  • The role of the First Aider in football 
  • The jaw thrust as an airway opening technique for a contact sport such as football 
  • The A-E approach of the injured footballer (inclusive of the unconscious footballer) 
  • Emergency Action planning for football
Preparation for action for sudden cardiac arrest in the young 
  • Recognition, BLS with AED 
  • The FA Concussion guidelines and concussion management from a first aid perspective for football 
  •  Dispelling the myths of first aid in football 
  • The football specific first aid kit and record keeping 
  • Duty of care in football 
  • Medical emergencies in football 
  • Focusing on those illnesses that can lead to life threatening injuries in football 
  • Limb threatening injuries in football 
  • Wounds and bleeding / Fracture management for football 
  • Acute soft tissue injury management in football 
  • Spinal injuries in football, manual in line stabilisation and assisting the ambulance crew with a log roll 
  • Paediatric elements to all of the above 

Both medical courses at Level 1 and 2 are not designed to follow specific first aid at work competencies that are not always relevant to football. The focus is on how to save a life so they don't cover burns, poisoning, minor illness or common sporting injury management. The purpose is injuries or illnesses that are a risk to life or limb within football.

8 hours

Be at least 16 years of age

Who is it for?
It is applicable to coaches, team managers, parents, teachers, volunteers and carers who are or may have to act as the designated first aid providers within their club/team environment.

Currency of qualification
Due to the nature and responsibility associated with first aid provision, and in line with current UK guidelines, the currency of the EFAiF certificate for use as a first aid qualification will be limited to three years.
To remain qualified and in date you must complete a further EFAiF course within the final three months prior to expiry of the qualification.
It is recommended, and is considered to be best practice, that The FA Level 1 Introduction to First Aid in Football course is undertaken on an annual basis as a form of refresher training.

Date: Monday 19 March & Tuesday 20 March 2018
Time: Both days 6pm - 10pm
Venue: Brompton Academy, Gillingham ME7 5HT

Please note to access this online application, you will need a FAN (FA Number).

If have ever been involved in football or taken an FA Qualification, it is highly likely you already have a FAN. If you do not know your FAN or password, or need to create a FAN, please use our FAN FINDER tool by clicking to register/retrieve your details.

Please be aware that if you already have a FAN, and create another FAN, this could cause delays in being confirmed on the course and any qualifications being awarded.

If the FAN Finder says you haven't got a FAN, and you think you have, then please click here for a full guide on how to locate it.

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