This is a FREE Event for all FA Licensed Coaches Club Members The Developing Player - Player Development 5-21 Gloucestershire FA County Coach Developer Steve Lilley, along with Gloucestershire FA Skills Team Leader Kirk McGinn and the FA Skills Team will lead on this two hour theory/practical workshop looking at key characteristics of players at this age including why they play, what they want and what they need. Linking all of this to LTPD (Long Term Player Development) Participation: Coaches are encouraged to participate in the in-service event FA Licensed Coaches Club CPD Accredited: 2 Hours (Level 1 & 2) Programme: Hartpury Sports Academy, Hartpury College, Gloucester, GL19 3BE 07/06/16 6.30pm-8.30pm
Hartpury Sports Academy, Hartpury College, Gloucester, GL19 3BE