Engaging Women and Girls in Football Workshop
As part of FA Girls Football Week, the London Female Football Network will be delivering an ‘Engaging Women and Girls in Football’ workshop, which aims to gives clubs the tools to increase their women and girls football provision.
The event will take place on Monday 23rd April 2018, 7pm-9pm at Nike HQ, 142 Wardour Street, London W1F 8DD.
The workshop will look at:
1. Understanding your audience
2. Marketing and communications
3. Developing your club workforce
4. Running your sessions
A key focus of the evening will look at new ways of understanding women and girls and what can be done differently to ‘talk’ to them to encourage participants to keep coming back.
The evening will present clubs with an opportunity to gain insight into how through understanding your audience, you can sustain and increase participation across the female game.
Please note places are limited and on a first come first serve basis.
For more information please contact Samantha Brown on samantha.brown@amateur-fa.com